Thanks to my Independent Film class for teaching me about the 60s and 70s and Bob Dylan -- the inspiration for today's title. Today's post is going to revolve around (you guessed it) politics. So, if you dislike one young person's rantings about political power structures and "hot button" issues, its time to navigate elsewhere. Don't waste your time. But please do come back, since it is rare for me to get this in-depth on formal politics. As one of my buddies put it best: "last night was one of the first nights in awhile I felt good about where this country was headed." Its true. I did too. And this morning/afternoon as I walked to classes and listened to my iPod, I almost felt like whistling and skipping (although it didn't hurt that it was nice outside -- temperatures in the 60s I believe. But honestly, who saw this coming?!?! Karl Rove and the republican prognosticators certainly didn't. A democratic party that wins control of the govenorship, house,
and senate? Who knew it was even possible a few weeks ago? I sure didn't. I was resigned to 2 more years (and perhaps even more) of republicans dominating the agenda and debating "hot topic" fringe issues that have little to no bearing on
actual problems in our society today. But my favorite way of summing up just how well things went for the democrats last night was through a comparison of the two party's websites late last night. The GOP website had a flash animation that ended with the phrase "committed to conservative reform," while the Dems website featured a flash animation with fireworks and the phrase "celebrating democratic victories." Now, the democratic website has a large image with the words "democratic revolution" and "democrats take the house and senate" featured prominantly on a red, white, and blue starred banner. Gotta love political websites.
But delving right into the results and their implications, my heart is lifted up. As I watched President Bush address the media this afternoon (I had a brief hour break in-between classes), I had to laugh as he commented on the "cumulative effect of a thumping" at the "rodeo" that was election day Tuesday. But reporters who asked him questions after he announced the resignation of Rumsfeld had him in a bind: why, just a few days before the elections, when pressed about Rumsfeld's job security, did he claim the now ex-Secretary of Defense was staying put? I was both shocked and entertained by the plainess of Bush's answer. He said it was simply because of the upcoming election, and because he hadn't met with a potential successor or Rumsfeld himself yet. Gotta love politics. Still, democrats would do the same thing. So, when all is said and done, the democrats pick up 6 seats in the house and at least 29 in the house. Not a bad swing for them. The problem is, democrats really didn't do anything in the last 2 years to
cause the vote swing that they should be patting themselves on the back about (although they certainly will be). As I was telling my former roommate today while we were watching "the Idiot" address the media, the republican party simply shot themselves in the foot with Iraq and other issues more than the democrats came up with fresh new ways to articulate themselves and their stances. And that is disappointing, because the republicans
will be back in '08 with a new repitoire of scare tactics and hot button issues, you can rest assured of that.
House resultsSenate resultsBut all in all, my particular party of choice (on
most issues, not
all) did well for themselves on Tuesday. But I was also able to celebrate another victory Tuesday. As a nice little desert, Rick Santorum (who's last name has been made rather famous, or perhaps dubious, by one of my favorite columnists Dan Savage) was
ousted by a rather large margin in the Pennsylvania senate race. To be sure, he lost to a more conservative democrat in Bob Casey, Jr., but we'll take the lesser of two evils. I myself can't wait until next week's "Savage Love" column by openly gay advice columnist (in the Onion) Dan Savage. He probably won't admit it, but his smear campaigns against Santorum have been instrumental over the years. I mean, its next to impossible to win an election when your name has come to be synoymous with
this.Add to that the fact that Governor Doyle won another term and senators Herb Kohl and Tammy Baldwin (whom I had the pleasure of meeting before a humorology practice at a certain sorority house last week, and then subsequently danced in front of) also won their respective races against republican counterparts handily, and you have on happy Joel on your hands. Still, my voting experience wasn't all good. I was forced to wait for nearly 45 minutes at the polling place because it was
that unorganized and they had
one man in charge of registering about 40+ students who trickled in while I was attempting to register and vote myself in my particular ward. Whereas the other volunteers who were there (and there were about 10 or so of them) to handle the other 1 or 2 wards covered at this particular polling place just sat around with nothing to do because the polling place was located
ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS where few (if any) adults from other wards would come to vote. How about we assign a few more people to the busiest wards and funnel them through the polls faster? No? Ah, that would make too much sense. But once I was registered and obtained my ballot, I came to a realization: I didn't do enough research on this midterm election. As I stood looking over the candidates and resolutions, I was familiar with most of them, but I didn't really
know the facts about all of them and their stances on certain issues. To be fair, with work and school and humo and everything, I really didn't have a lot of time to spend reading the paper everyday and becoming familiar with every cantidate's stance on the issues that are most important to me, but still. I was disappointed in myself. And I was even more disappointed as I found myself voting for almost
every democrat on the ballot. Now don't get me wrong, I rarely vote for republicans (unless their stances on key issues are preferable to a weak democrats) but I do occasionally find myself voting independent or better yet, Wisconsin Green. Now I'm pretty sure there were few (if any) Green cantidates on this midterm ballot, but I hate feeling like I'm voting straight democratic ticket. While I suppose I consider myself a democrat, I like to at least think I'm cognisant and respectful of others' viewpoints and can find myself comprimising and 'finding a middle ground' on some topics. But not this year. I blame myself, actually. But I also blame politicians in general for making the only acceptable stances on issues either black or white (or perhaps red or blue) and leaving no grey area in-between. But such is our current political climate I suppose.
Yeah. So almost everything went well Tuesday for my political beliefs. I say almost, because the gay marriage and civil unions ban passed in Wisconsin, Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. And most of them passed with flying colors. Even in Wisconsin the vote was surprisingly lop-sided -- 59% in favor of the ban, just 41% opposed, with the only county to vote no being my own -- Dane. Indeed, this 59% means that a significant number of people who otherwise voted for Jim Doyle for governor (most of whom would probably consider themselves democrats) voted
for the amendment.
That is concerning. Not surprisingly, two of the counties that were the most anti-gay marriage were the two counties my hometown is on the border of: Dodge and Washington. See for yourself
here. These two counties are without a doubt the largest bastion of narrow-minded republicans in the state. Trust me on that. I pity my father, who is subject to them on a daily basis at the factory office where he works. But why has gay marriage become such a big deal for so many in this country all of the sudden? To be sure, there are
far more important issues in our world today -- the war in Iraq, health care, education, etc. but there are few issues that endanger civil rights of human beings quite like gay marriage bans. Honestly, I have neither the time or energy to spend expousing
why I detest those who support gay marriage bans right now. Perhaps another time in another post. But, suffice to say, I
know homosexuals. Personally. Professionally. Scholastically. And I just cannot imagine many people who actually know and are close friends with gays who would vote "yes" on these bans. Because once you are actually exposed to the men and women the bans affect personally, you cease being afraid of them as so many want you to be. The truth is, they aren't trying to "convert" you and turn you gay. They want what everyone else wants -- the chance to live, love, and be successful in life. But we as a society are telling them they cannot do that to the extent others can. I'm rambling and no longer expressing my thoughts and ideas coherently, so I'll just end with some quotes from Badger Herald comments about the gay-marriage amendment.
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 7:01am):
Never did I ever fear from our own government as I do now. My parents will never be able to marry, and neither will I. Thank you all, so very very much, for saving the country from something as atrocious as a happy marriage. Whoever would have thought, that America would one day fall so far from the dreams of our fathers. Thousands of men have died protecting the constitution that now shows exactly the reason every other power in this world hates the USA. I am so deeply dissappointed with the actions of this state, of this country, of this society. It is beyond me how any man or woman believes it is her right to tell me I'm not allowed to be married. Because they say so. You've never even met me. But thank you America..for saving this country once again, from us horribly violent and dirty and murderous homosexuals. I'm sure the heterosexuals will all be safe now from our rampage......? Dumb. Just Dumb.
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 8:10am):
Ha ha! In your face, filthy liberals. I wouldn't be so opposed to lesbians getting married if they weren't all so butch. I mean, I like girl on girl action as much as the next guy, but woof woof. Let's see some hot girls.
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 8:37am):
the passing of the marriage amendment is a violation of civil rights. It further treats gay individuals as second hand citizens, and ignores the unions of un-married straight individuals as well.
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 9:57am):
I for one welcome our new gay-bashing, death-loving overlords.
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 10:28am):
Madison needs to secede.
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 11:17am):
It's sad that people like Julaine Appling are still so uninformed that they consider same-sex marriage a "societal problem" and would include it in a list with divorce and abuse. It's also disturbing that people would consider adding a blatantly discriminatory amendment to the state constitution a victory. Eventually, history will consider this a dark moment and a mistake. And it will not look kindly upon people like Ms.Appling.
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 12:01pm):
Oh don't act so surprised... it's times like these I think of the phrase:
Madison... 100 square miles surrounded by REALITY
Anonymous (November 8, 2006 @ 1:55pm):
The state of Wisconsin has spoken. Gays, it's time to go straight. No more love for you.